May 1, 2019 → August 31, 2019
Electrical Engineering Intern
FTP Server Notifications
- PLM had an FTP server for transferring files to clients.
- They wanted to know when someone was trying to login and/or failed to login to their FTP server. Their FTP software didn’t have this function.
- I made a simple desktop app that watched the log files and scanned them when they were written to.
- When someone tried to login to their FTP server, the engineers would get notified.
- Made with PyQt and python.
Other Work
- I programmed Visual Basic for Applications scripts to extract information from over 1,400 AutoCAD schematic and wire drawings.
- Composed procedure to as-built Eversource Energy electrical drawings, completed over 300 as-builts, and trained 2 engineers to take over the procedure following my departure.
- Eversource hired PLM to "as-built" their AutoCAD drawings (i.e. get their CAD drawings in order) for the West Medway Substation #446 as the CAD drawings did not reflect the actual hardware in operation.
- Station #446 is the most central 345kV substations serving all of New England
- You can follow the transmission line right-of-ways on Google Maps
- You can also look at the ISO New England Transmission System Diagram and search for "West Medway"
- Wired new direct transfer trip scheme in the Wallingford station feeder using fiber optic Schweitzer relays to turn off a nearby solar array inverter during fault and tie breaker operation.
- The owner made money off their solar array when they generated energy and it went back to the grid. However, if there was a fault on the transmission line and the tie breaker operated (switched), the solar array owner didn't want their solar generated energy to go to the downstream feeder/houses. This new scheme would "directly trip" (shutoff) the solar array inverter if the tie breaker "transferred", and then turn back on once the tie breaker transfer was complete.